
Customize your digital presence for customers and employees.

Discover Our Streamlined Tech Solutions

Stay in the flow of work with simply designed, low-maintenance web options for internal employees or external customers.

We’re meticulous
so you can relax.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are your customer-facing sites like?

I can build external, customer-facing website using WordPress customized for your business needs. These are static sites that provide potential customers with the important information your customers need.

How do I request changes or updates to the site?

New hours at your shop or a new department added in an acquisition? Contact me anytime to discuss updates to your custom site. Revisions for existing clients are priority!

What are your employee-facing sites like?

If your business subscribes to a Microsoft business tools package, I can build a SharePoint site that streamlines important links, software systems, and HR documents into one easy-to-navigate page only logged-in employees can see.

How does billing work?

We have a simple billing system which allows for all costs to be known up-front and locked in pricing at the start of the contract.

Can I get an invoice for my purchase?

Yes, you can. After the initial proposal is accepted I will provide an invoice and contract.